A little info

Hey everyone, just a little page to ramble about myself :)
I'm 20 and a literature student at the Open University, only three years left! People say I'm mad thinking it's better to have had a child at such a young age (17) but I say it's made me more determined. Before I had my daughter I literally had no plans after college and was working at a dead end job with no prospects. I'm now studying towards a career in publishing or journalism and it's my little girl who's given me the strive to do this. 
Yes, yes I know what you're thinking, 'God this is just another blog by some girl who goes on and on about her kids' but although I'm proud of my daughter and there may be the odd post, it is primarily a fashion blog with the occasional food and health post thrown in. 
I tend to ramble on in life and I suspect this blog will be no different!
I hope you enjoy reading my rants and reviews on products and feel free to comment or send me a message anytime you fancy :)

Anyone wishing to contact me, please click on the email button on right.

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